- 23-12-2020
- Articles
2020: the year of Covid-19
Gurelan finally bids farewell to one of the most complicated years in its history. Both industrially and in a human and socio-economic context, 2020 will remain the year marked by the pandemic at all levels. However, the challenges that have been successfully met despite the unfavourable situation cannot be ignored. Quality, continuity, flexibility: thanks to common effort and the confidence of its customers, partners and employees, Gurelan has succeeded in overcoming the coronavirus obstacle, looking hopefuly towards 2021.

The world is in the midst of a global crisis on a scale that no expert could have predicted just a year ago, when China reported for the first time the appearance of a new disease in the city of Wuhan. In addition to the incredible human tragedy, the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of our socioeconomic network, from local levels to global trade circuits. There is no business, sector or activity that, in one way or another, has not been affected by the coronavirus.
A global crisis, also for the die-casting industry
In almost a century of history, Gurelan has experienced all kinds of major transformations, managing to succesully deal with the most difficult situations, whether from an industrial, human, social or technological point of view. However, in a socioeconomical context, we have to go back to the time of the Spanish Civil War to find such a turbulent and uncertain period as the coronavirus pandemic.
Although demand and continuity of production were maintained during the hardest months of this year, the die-casting industry still suffered the economic downturns of the crisis. Besides the overall drop in industrial activity, we must also regret the cancellation of important trade fairs and exhibitions, the impossibility of travelling, the suspension of projects, but above all, the uncertainty that has prevailed for months.
Gurelan: continuity for Zamak parts die-casting industry
Gurelan´s long-standing experience in the die-casting industry – an adventure that began more than 80 years ago – and its consolidated position as a leader in the die-casting of Zamak, Magnesium and Lead parts represent major competitive strengths. In other words, this crisis triggered by the Covid-19 is a major setback, a first-rate obstacle, but in no way the end of the road. The effort of the whole staff and the trust of customers, partners and collaborators have proved the will to go ahead, no matter what.
Moving forward with a priority: people
The continuous and responsible growth momentum achieved by Gurelan over the last decades has ensured the continuity of production, the respect of commitments and, above all, the implementation of the required measures to protect its human team. For this leading company in the Zamak die-casting industry, the main competitive asset will always remain people, a dedicated staff that make possible our industrial activity through their work.
Gurelan: past, present and future of the die-casting industry
2020 will go down in the History as the year of the coronavirus. But every crisis comes to an end. The imminent arrival of vaccines brings confidence to the die-casting industry. In Gurelan´s case, we face the future from a solid position, guaranteeing the continuity of our activity. Thanks to the protective measures undertaken and the reorientation of industrial priorities, Gurelan´s die-cast solutions have left no one behind.
Since 1934, Gurelan has experienced a civil war, world conflicts, global economic crises, deep social changes... In 2020, Gurelan still resists, and is now moving forward with the intention of exploring new opportunities and keeping growing in the new post-Coronavirus world.